Meet the Team
Paul Pattison - Lead Pastor
Paul with his wife, Vennessa, has served as the Lead Pastor of Glad Tidings since 2006, ministering alongside a gifted group of pastors and friends. They are the proud parents of two sons, Ben and Alex, with one grandson, Judah.
Kristin Pollard - Executive Pastor Worship & Arts
Kristin and Debra-Lee joined the GT staff as the Creative Worship and Arts Pastors in 1997. Kristin has been gifted to lead people into God’s presence and has a reputation for delivering excellence. In 2024, Kristin took on the role of Executive Pastor. They have been blessed with two amazing children, Ethan and Sydney.
Jennie Baker - Family Life Ministries
Jennie and her husband, Leon, joined the GT team in 2015. Jennie brings a wealth of experience to the Kids Ministry team. Through Kings Castle, Jennie has recognized the need to remove the limitations that are often placed on young disciples because of their age. Instead, children are provided numerous ministry opportunities and are being equipped to put the Great Commission into practice! Jennie created "GT Exceptional", our ministry to people with special needs and their families. This community is near to her heart and she looks forward to growing this ministry to being Jesus' love to them. They are blessed with three boys, Andrew, Christian, and Noah.
Spenser Mason - Young Adults & Prayer
Spenser and his wife, Chantal, joined the lead team in 2019. Spenser leads Nova Young Adults, as well as Prayer Ministry. He has a passion for Holy Spirit ministry, and wants to see students discover what it is God has for them, and how they can best use their gifts for the Kingdom! His passion for prayer has inspired many to reach a new level of intimacy with God.
Ben Pattison - Media & Design
Ben and his wife, Amy, have been in leadership at GT since 2014. In 2019 Ben transitioned from Youth & Young Adults to develop the Media & Design department. His goal is to capture what God is doing at GT, and in Moncton, and share it to as many outside the church as possible.
Susan Brooks - Care & Hospitality
Susan stepped into the Care and Hospitality position in 2015. She and her husband, Lyle, share a passion for the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit and a desire to share it with every person they come in contact with. They are blessed with two boys, Devin and Chandler.
Joanna Savoie - Connections Pastor
Joanna joined the team in February of 2021 as the Admin. Pastor, and in 2024 transitioned to Connections. Joanna loves people and is passionate about community. She is always looking for ways to more effectively reach people for Jesus.
Emma & Eli Lutes - Youth
Emma and Eli have taken leadership over Vertical Student Ministries since September 2022. They are both gifted speakers, have a deep sensitivity to the Spirit, and share a heart for evangelism. They are blessed with one super cute daughter, Florence.
Kim Donelle - Administration & Finance
Ron Arsenault - Maintenance