
Reaching beyond these four walls

Glad Tidings is privileged to partner with global workers who are impacting lives around the world through the message of Jesus Christ and the meeting of everyday needs.

From our Bible Clubs in Senegal, Africa to our colleges in Kenya, our community centres in Uganda to the streets of Kolkata, India — not to mention Malawi, Cuba, El Salvador, and Thailand — we have witnessed what God can do through a missions-minded church.

Each year there are opportunities to visit one of our foreign fields as part of a GT mission team or to serve here at home. Below you can see the ministries and missionaries we support, and how you can get involved!

Local Missions

Teen Challenge Atlantic

Teen Challenge Atlantic is a 12-month, faith-based, residential alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation program with centres across Canada.

Harvest House Atlantic

Harvest House Atlantic is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to serving the most vulnerable in our community. Through our emergency shelter, community-based housing, meal programs, and recovery programs, we provide hope and practical support to individuals facing homelessness, addiction, and poverty.

Each day, we serve hundreds of meals, offer safe shelter, and walk alongside men and women in their journey toward stability and restoration. Our recovery-based initiatives help individuals break free from cycles of addiction, while our youth and diversion programs offer early intervention and mentorship.

We also work in partnership with Rising Tide Community Initiatives and private landlords to provide transitional and permanent housing solutions, helping people move beyond crisis into long-term stability. Through our Scatter Sites program, we connect individuals with safe, supportive housing across the city.

Pregnancy & Wellness Centre of Moncton

At the Pregnancy & Wellness Centre, trained staff and volunteers provide expectant mothers and fathers with hope and healthy alternatives to an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy.

5000 Farms

5000 Farms Inc is a registered non-profit Christian ministry growing and donating fresh crops for food security in Atlantic Canada

Young Leaders

Layton and Jerrica are missionaries to the Maritimes with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) who also lead Gather to Go, an organization that trains and equips young adults for evangelism and intercession.

Jerrica & Layton MacCabe

Jessi & Winston MacCabe

Global Missions

Guy and Jane Penney - West Africa

Guy and Jane have served as missionaries for over 20 years. Located in Sub-Saharan West Africa, there is still relative freedom to share the Gospel, while being predominantly Muslim, which makes it such an important nation to reach while the window is still open.

Your giving supports church plants, Bible clubs, Christian schools, health programs, deaf schools, and leadership development.

Helen McMinn - Kenya, East Africa

In her more than 40 years in Kenya, God has used Helen McMinn to train thousands of pastors to reach the lost and to disciple believers. Even in her ‘retirement,’ Helen has adapted the ministry to an online format where she continues teach and to train hundreds of church leaders.


The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem represents Christians around the world who stand with Israel and the Jewish people based on biblical principles and promises. Founded in 1980, the ICEJ recognizes the modern-day restoration of Israel as the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant promises to the Jewish people.


Modi’in, Israel

We are pleased to partner with the King of Kings Church, Israel to plant a new work in Modi'in; a fast-growing community comprised of young Jewish families and situated on the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 

A pastor and congregation of 40 people will soon be launched to begin this work. With less than 2% professing faith in Jesus as Messiah, Israel is considered an unreached people group.