I'm New

New to Glad Tidings? We'd love to connect with you!


Welcome to Glad Tidings Church! We're excited that you decided to check us out!

We understand being new can be intimidating, but having an idea of what to expect can make all the difference!

Here at GT our services are composed of three main elements: teaching, worship, and children.

Each Sunday you have two services to choose from, 9AM and 11AM.

If you're not located in Moncton, or are joining just from home, our service is streamed to YouTube and Facebook at 11AM. Just search for "gtmoncton".

We also offer an ASL translated version of our service on YouTube each Sunday at 9AM.

Our services consist of charismatic worship through music, a message brought by Rev. Paul Pattison, and usually a few creative elements sprinkled throughout. During our service we offer ministry to children ages 0-11.

Get more info about GT Kids here.

Office Hours:

Tuesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Wednesday: 1pm - 4:30pm

Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

If you're looking for more info on what GT is all about click right here to go to the "About Us" page.

Click the button below to learn more and get connected!